Roberto Juarez

Roberto Juarez worked at Aurobora with the intention of following the direction of his geometric abstract paintings– the vibrant line, circles, squares, and repetitive patterning motifs that have become part of the artist’s vocabulary.  The large-scale vertical monotype suite — entitled Nubes and Serena — were directly influenced by the constantly changing summer weather conditions in San Francisco during his stay.  These prints were worked with saturated color and bold line drawing on Okiwara paper, then run through the press in multiple passes.  The milky veneer and various degrees of opacity that were achieved through the printing process underscores the ethereal quality of these works on paper.

Other print suites entitled Interiors and Broken Pearls reexamine the geometric forms of architectural spaces and sequential patterns. Juarez used saturated color palettes that migrate from olive greens and plums to oranges and blues that literally jolt the eye from point to point.  In this way, Juarez successfully captures the constant movement inherent in his abstractions and accentuates the energetic quality captured in these compositions.


Atlantic Richfield Company, Los Angeles, California; Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, New York; Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado; El Museo del Barrio, New York, New York; General Mills Corporation, Minneapolis; Goldman Sachs & Company, New York, New York; Gulf & Western Company, New York, New York; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky; Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art & Design, Kansas City, MO; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California; Merrill Lynch Co., Inc., Princeton, New Jersey; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York; Miami Art Museum of Dade County, Miami, Florida; Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Florida; Neuberger Museum of Art, SUNY, Purchase, NY; The Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey; Saint Louis Museum of Art, St. Louis, Missouri; UBS Collection


Willy Heeks


Jeff Juhlin